梦见Dream Dictionary:E字开头

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    Dream Dictionary:E字开头

    Dream Dictionary:E字开头

    Earth Matter. Being grounded through nature. Need to connect with the physical world.
    Earthquake Soul shaking. Deep levels of change. Difficulties must be overcome.
    East Ancient truth. Financial gains. Meditation.
    Eating Satisfaction. Pleasure. Happiness is assured.
    Eclipse Fear. Looking for the truth.
    Education Self improvement. Change for the better.
    Elevator Ascension. Increased understanding. Increase in wealth and advancement in position.
    Employer Hierarchy. Commitment. Security.
    Employment Occupation. Fulfillment. Ready to start or continue.
    Empty Unloading. Isolation. Want to get ride of something.
    Enemy Troubles. Ready to act. Awareness.
    Erection Creative power. Fertility. Looking for a change.
    Europe Culture. Old world. Preservation of the past. Wish to continue or save .
    Ex-boyfriend Masculine ideal, either integrated or rejected. Something accepted or failed to accept within yourself.
    Execute Punishment. Judgment. Ready to forgive or be forgiven.
    Exercise Flexibility. Strength. Stamina. Building up. All will be well.
    Ex-girlfriend Feminine ideal, either integrated or rejected. Ready to accept or failed to a accept within yourself.
    Exhaustion Squandered energy. Depression. Debility. Feelings that wish to be avoided.
    Explosion Sudden, violent change. Ready to burst forth. Unjustly accused.

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