梦见Dream Dictionary:O字开头

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    Dream Dictionary:O字开头

    Dream Dictionary:O字开头

    Oasis Sanctuary. Peace. Relief. Looking for a place of refuge and relaxation.
    Ocean A great expanse or amount. Vast, limitless feelings. Your feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
    Offense Violation. Crime. Becoming displeased or resentful towards someone in your circle.
    Office Professional duties. Workplace. Working with or on something important for yourself. Prosperity.
    Oil Slippery. Shiny. Seeking for more freedom of movement.
    Old Long time. Mature. Sensible. Former times. Something could be completed or ready to be replace.
    Open Entrance and exit. Exposed. Opportunity. Potential. Ready to make a choice.
    Opera Drama. Music. Maybe expecting a big finale. Family disorder.
    Oracle Prophecy. Wisdom. Something will become clear to you.
    Oral sex Gratification. Pleasure. You want to receive or to give pleasure.
    Orchard Growth. Great success. Order.
    Orchid Unique. Exotic glamour. Looking for something different and uniquely beautiful.
    Orgasm Climax. Indulgence. Consummation. You have completed the circle.
    Orgy Unrestrained indulgence. Indiscriminate union. Confuse about feelings.
    Oriental Wisdom. Tradition. Subtlety. You need to revalue some decisions. Take your time to decide.
    Orphan Need. Lack of protection. Feelings of isolation and despair.
    Outer space Transcendence. Power. Timeless.S eeking for a spiritual experience.
    Outlaw Depravation. Rebellion. Looking for some freedom.
    Overturn Defeat. Upset. Feeling frustrated with certain situation.

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