【Dream Dictionary:T字开头】
Table | Place of activity. Workplace. Ready to start with your plans. |
Talking | Conversation. Communication. Seeking for a way to express something. |
Tattoo | Scar. Something permanent. Display. Something dangerous from past is hunting you. |
Teacher | Knowledge. Skills. Ready to learn something by example or past experience. |
Teddy Bear | Trust. Protection. Companionship. Learning to trust somebody. |
Telephone | Remote locations. Connection. Trying to reach someone or something. |
Television | Movement. Images. Virtual reality. There is something that you wish to observe. |
Temple | Worship. Sanctuary. Soul. Looking for inner peace. |
Terror | Overpowering fear. Violence. Supremacy. Suffering from a loss of trust. |
Terrorism | Intimidation. Violence. Feelings of power being thwarted and frustration. |
Test | Examination. Proof. Knowledge. Abilities being challenged. |
Theft | Lack. Need. Judgement. Fear of wishing for something that you can't have or don't deserve. |
Thorn | Sharp. Pain. Discomfort. Afraid to go through the pain of ending something. |
Ticket | Admission. License. Looking for change and excitement. |
Time | Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self. |
Tires | Movement. Shock absorption. A need to smooth some of your ways. |
Tombstone | Legacy. Monument. Looking for recognition and ways to be remembered. |
Tools | Work. Occupation. Concern about productivity in your life. |
Topless | Display. Exposure. Self confidence. Ask yourself how do you exhibit love. |
Torture | Pain. Looking to stop whatever it is that has been tormenting you. |
Toys | Amusement. Youthful play. Ready to enjoy a more carefree life. |
Traffic | Connections. Dealings. Movement. Chaotic power. Need to go someplace. |
Train | Followers. String. Connections. Be aware of present changes in your life. |
Travel | Journey. Freedom. Change. Change in attitude. |
Treasure | Wealth.Valuable.Missing something important for you. |
Trial | Conflict. Resolution. Need to test some boundaries. |
Triangle | Connection. Dynamic power. You are developing power by integrating internal opposition. |
Trusting | Confidence. Belief in yourself. Need for self-acceptance. |
Tumor | Negative growth. Need to release an old pain. |
Tunnel | Passage. Ordeal. Need for light to lead you on. |
Twin | Mirror image. Duality. Problems with identity. |